#11: A failed experiment, a new angle, confirmation bias

good example, people who strongly believe in a conspiracy theory. Even though none of those theories have enough evidence to prove them, some people decode world events in such a way that makes it easier for them to keep believing in what they already do.


Video Portfolio Review Experiment Didn’t Work

Back in January, I decided to try something new and offer my help to review portfolios and post my feedback in the video format in a public setting. It’s been 2 months and I have had zero requests. Considering that getting feedback on a portfolio is a big and known need, I suspect that this lack of interest is related to the video format and getting your not-so-perfect portfolios exposed to the world. Frankly, I understand that the idea of showing the work-in-progress state of your portfolio might sound scary, but I’d recommend treating this as a temporary state and a way to show how you iterate on your deliverables (portfolio). A couple of folks confirmed this point, plus shared concerns about publicizing NDA work. In my opinion, both of these can be addressed, but it’s your call =) The experiment failed and I am closing it.

New angle

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about my deep interest and fascination with behavioural psychology and understanding why people do what they do. Overall, psychology has been interesting to me for a very long time. For the next few months, I am going to be learning (or re-learning) and explaining some of the cognitive biases. Ideally, I want to choose what I find the most intriguing AND most relevant to the UX world. Also, I want to try to keep it as simple as possible (as if I am teaching a 5-year-old =) Let’s see how much success I will have with this approach.

PS will still keep posting my thoughts on the questions I receive. Submit your questions here:

Confirmation bias

People are likely to understand the information in a way that confirms what they already believe in.

There are 3 types of confirmation bias:

  • Searching for information
  • Interpreting information
  • Recalling information

In all these activities humans tend to subconsciously find more proof of their existing beliefs and values. It fascinates me how deep this bias can get and how long it can go unnoticed. A good example, people who strongly believe in a conspiracy theory. Even though none of those theories have enough evidence to prove them, some people decode world events in such a way that makes it easier for them to keep believing in what they already do.

To make it even worse, social media algorithms are designed to amplify this effect. Such “feeding” of similar ideas creates information bubbles that only strengthen these beliefs and illustrate the confirmation bias.

Isn’t it fascinating? 🤔

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. They don’t represent any of my current or previous employers’ views.

Photo Credit: Photo by REX WAY on Unsplash

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