🍾 Big Update! New job board website is LIVE!

Moved the list to a new website and updated free vs paid plan scopes
🍾 Big Update! New job board website is LIVE!

How are you spending your weekend? Hope all is wonderful on your end πŸ‘Œ

For the last few days, I have been working on setting up a new website to host the jobs for the UX Remotely board. And it’s now live!

Is it perfect? Of course not. But it’s a move in the right direction.

Also, I made a change to what free subscribers can access.

Before, you could see only an overview of the full list.

Now, you can see the full details of the latest 20 jobs that were added to the job board.

If you want to access hidden jobs (as of now, 230+), you can upgrade to a paid subscription.

The last change - I added a β€œQuarterly” plan with 22% savings -

If you find any bugs or have questions, reply to this email πŸ€™

Ciao ciao!

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