Moving to Ghost, AI Tools for UX Designers, Content Strategy Updates
The next chapter for the Kirill V Hub and content creation.
🛠️ Startups Update: October 2024
Closed UX Remotely, decided on the next chapter of my entrepreneurial journey
UX Remotely
🪦 Retrospective
The wrap-up and announcing the next big idea
🛑 Time to say goodbye...
After lots of pondering I made a decision to not resume work UX Remotely ✌️
⏸️ I'm taking a break
Everybody needs one from time to time...
🛠️ Startups Update: May 2024
Plateauing, manual tedious work, struggling with automation, new community idea
🛠️ Startups Update: February 2024
UX Remotely is (slowly) growing...
Week 9 Review: Platform Roadmap and Updates, Weekly Digest
Talent List, Stats by location, plus Featured jobs and Design teams, and remote work tip.
UX Remotely
Week 8 Review: Relevancy, Usability Fixes, Login, Weekly Digest
Made usability fixes to the filters, added login and password reset features, plus Featured jobs and Design teams, and remote work tip.
🛠️ Startups Update: January 2024
UX Remotely is growing...
Week 7 Review: New Benefit for Free Subscribers, Job Selection Criteria Explained, & Weekly Digest
Featured jobs and Design teams, new jobs notifications for free subscribers, behind-the-scenes of how I filter jobs
🍾 Big Update! New job board website is LIVE!
Moved the list to a new website and updated free vs paid plan scopes
UX Remotely
🧪 An experiment with the new format
Let me know what you think
Week 5 Review: Stats, Featured Jobs, Featured Companies, Pro Tip
Wealthfront, Scribd, Revolut. Jobs @ Jane, Adobe, Shopify, ___.
UX Remotely
Week 4 Review: Stats, Featured Jobs, Featured Companies, Pro Tip
Wealthfront, Scribd, Revolut. Jobs @ Weblow, Softr, Gitbook, Instacart.
🗂️ The Full Jobs List Moved to Airtable
A web page with almost 200 job postings is unusable and unmanageable.