#7: UX Career: Weekly Digest
Years ago, before I went into UX, I was designing websites, and the hand-off process was rather unreliable (as I am analyzing it now). I would create png mockups for each page and give them to the developer.
#6: UX Career: Weekly Digest
Every company is unique and there could be a number of reasons for seeking more senior designers to hire.
#5: Weekly Digest
The ability to learn quickly, knowing the design process, evidence that you can deliver results and produce high-quality work working on a team are more important elements than knowing particular tools.
#4: Weekly Digest
After getting to know different environments, my observation was that the larger the company the more specialized the roles tend to get.
#3: Weekly Digest
Think for yourself. Everyone has a unique picture of how things work and function, and yours is as valuable as anyone’s.
#2: Weekly Digest
I believe that resumes are not great to answer the questions that the hiring folks have in their head when they evaluate applicants. I think this is a pretty bad “deliverable” for this.
#1: Weekly Digest
Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.
UX Career
Card Sorting [Archive]
The main idea he is pushing is that card sorting limits you to choose only one single way of presenting the information.
UX Career
Benefits of Prototyping [Archive]
If used properly, the value of prototyping can be tremendous. If not, the insights can lead you down the wrong path.
UX Career
Prototyping Definition [Archive]
A prototype is supposed to help you save time and gain insights from your users faster, which makes it impractical to fully develop it, so some people can call it fake.
Startup Ideas
🙉 Noise-Cancelling System For Environment
Street noise gets in the way. Why can’t we use existing noise-cancelling technology in spaces vs headphones?
Startup Ideas
🚰 IoT Water Quality Sensor
People (in developed countries) assume their water is clean, which creates risk of drinking water with harmful chemicals.
Startup Ideas
🩻 AR Banners
Advertisers decide to pack as much information (text and graphics) as they can, which often results in poorly-designed banners with bad readability and lack of clarity.
Startup Ideas
🥡 Crowd-Buying Food Containers
For a small/midsize restaurant, the cost of the take-out food containers is higher than it could be.
Startup Ideas
📊 Affiliate Dashboard
If a person has multiple affiliate sales initiatives they have to log into each of their affiliate partner accounts to check their stats.
Startup Ideas
🧒 Kids Activities Platform
As a parent, it is a challenge to find new classes and sports programs to get your child into.
Startup Ideas
🧑🌾 Farmer’s E-market
As a person who wants to eat healthier produce and other foods, it is a very manual and time-consuming process to find local farmers markets and go there to buy something.
Startup Ideas
🤝 Helping Others Platform
As a person who wants to build stronger long-term relationships with other people in their professional network, one of the best ways to do this is by helping them with what they may need help with at the moment, without expecting anything in return.