☺️ Kindness is king

Communication is everything. Kindness is πŸ‘‘
☺️ Kindness is king

Hello friends!

This week we are looking at the Ordos Art & City Museum in China by MAD Architects 😍 My eyes can't stop following the lines of this masterpiece. How do architects come up with such ideas?

As some of you may know, I moved from Vancouver to Luxembourg in July. The "onboarding" process has been pretty good, but a lot of questions are still unanswered.

As a parent who believes that sports activities are important, I have experienced a challenge here in Luxembourg -

Where can I find available sports activities for my kids of different ages?

Preliminary research hasn't revealed any solutions to my problem.

I would love to have an online resource where I can filter available options by child's age, activity type, location, and spoken language. I have not found anything like this, so...

I decided to create a solution for this, scratch my own itch, so to say =)

This time though, I chose to "delegate" basic labour to my 13 yo son. The benefits: he gets to learn new skills, and I don't have to spend time on tedious manual tasks, e.g. data entry (for a small $ reward). Win-win 😎

Long story short - one of his activities was to reach out to about a hundred of sports clubs 😯 on the list to confirm the age groups and spoken language(s). It was quite curious to observe his reaction to the different kinds of responses he was getting.

Most emails were very dry and short, some were more expanded but still cold. But there was one lady who conveyed so much openness, warmth, and kindness in her responses. My son fell in love... 😍 with the communication style, not the lady πŸ˜‚. I think... She made quite an impression on him.

I am so happy when small tasks/projects surprise you with a very deep lesson that  is very important for the growth of a young human being.

He learned a fantastic lesson:

Communication is everything. Kindness is πŸ‘‘

πŸ”– My content

πŸ‘ UX Career Tip #9: Give back before asking
When reaching out for help, it's easy to jump straight to the point. But you shouldn't. In most cases, people you reach out to for help are busy and are overwhe…

πŸ€” Interesting finds

Ciao! πŸ€™

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