🧴 Mens’ Skincare E-commerce Store

An e-commerce store with a very easy (icon-driven) way to filter through the products based on age and what part of the body they are interested in.
🧴 Mens’ Skincare E-commerce Store
Photo by Safia Shakil on Unsplash


Modern men are getting more open to the idea of taking care of their skin to age slower. When travelling for work I see more and more men of “executive” appearance stopping by skincare shops in the airports and buying some products to treat their skin/body. My assumption is that these people are usually very busy and don’t have a lot of time to understand what all the options are, what they need, and where they can go to buy stuff for their skin. And I think this is a large market that will be increasing even more.


An e-commerce store with a very easy (icon-driven) way to filter through the products based on age and what part of the body they are interested in. Potentially, add a subscription to reduce friction even more. Just sign up, set your preferences and get favourite (or recommended by a skincare expert) products in your mail.

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