Moving to Ghost, AI Tools for UX Designers, Content Strategy Updates

The next chapter for the Kirill V Hub and content creation.
Moving to Ghost, AI Tools for UX Designers, Content Strategy Updates

Hello, everyone! I migrated all my content and newsletter to another publishing platform - Ghost!

Moving to Ghost

I don't want to bother you with the details, but I decided to move back to Ghost after publishing on Substack. I kept thinking if better UX is more flexibility is worth paying extra. Eventually, I gave up and decided to invest more in my personal brand. I found a ghost theme I liked and made the call.

This added ongoing and one-time expenses. About $100 for the theme and $250/year for the Ghost subscription. Committed =)

PS: I want to write a separate post about my thoughts on paying for better UX. Have some new observations about my position on this.

AI Tools for UX Designers

A couple of weeks ago, I launched a landing page to pre-sell my workshop series on learning which AI tools a UX designer can use in their daily job and start adapting to the new future - hopefully, an AI-supported future, and not replaced-by-AI.

The condition for me to create and host these workshops was set to get 20 people to pre-register. Currently, I've got only 5 people signed up within 3 days of the announcement on LinkedIn and this newsletter.

It was a promising start. Now, I need to promote it more across different channels and communities, which is a bit of a problem, as I have been quite absent from those communities. It's not cool to disappear for a year, then show up and immediately post about a project of yours.

Asking for help 🙏

I'd appreciate it if you could share my proposal with your colleagues, friends, and communities. Perhaps somebody may be interested. I do believe this is a great opportunity; it's just a matter of making others know about it.

AI Tools for UX Designers

Learn the top tools to speed up user research and design workflows, spark new ideas, and prepare yourself for an AI-driven future.

View offer

Content strategy


I decided to merge all my content under 1 umbrella brand - Kirill V. This will include content related to UX Career, my designpreneurship journey and learnings, travel, life, and anything else that I think about myself.

Different topics are separated into sections, tags or playlists, so it's easier to browse/filter based on your interest.

Also, bringing back all content I can find from my side projects, podcasts, videos, etc. I've had many different projects, and some content is either archived or distributed across different channels (YouTube, Instagram, blogs). This will be the full archive for a complete story.

For example, I have some older videos about rapid prototyping, survival skills, voice UI, and more. As you'd expect, most of them feel very awkward now, but I want to show my full journey, not just the latest chapter. "Get comfortable to be uncomfortable," as they say. 😅

Active Channels

  1. Homepage - the hub for everything:
  2. YouTube - for videos, different channels for different topics/projects:
  3. X/Twitter - for quick thoughts:
  4. LinkedIn - for work/formal content:

All other channels will be linked to the homepage.

My Products

My previously created products have been and will be archived for historical reference. Currently, all my active products are available for all members (free and paid). In future, I am considering adding premium products that will be available only to paid members.

🔖 UX Career Playbook
My personal collection of posts, videos, podcasts, and other resources with excellent advice on various topics related to starting and getting hired in UX.
🛝 Get Hired in UX Guide
A 9-part series guide with valuable tips to help you stand out from other candidates and get a job in UX.
📚 UX Links
Recommended reading/listening/watching on all things UX/Product design and strategy, and user research.

My Writing

The main topics are still around entrepreneurship and becoming independent, UX career and how the job is changing with AI, travelling around Europe and my personal observations, life, quick thoughts, startup ideas, and other random things.

  1. Designpreneurship: everything about my entrepreneurship journey and side projects.
  2. UX Career: all about UX, Design, AI for UX designers, etc.
  3. Life: travelling and my thoughts about what I see, philosophical questions, etc.
  4. Quick notes: random thoughts and rants that come to mind.
  5. Startup ideas: business ideas that come to mind.


I am switching to a monthly digest to avoid overloading you with emails. This newsletter will be an overview of all content I created within a month: blog, quick thoughts, tweets, videos and podcast episodes. Like a summary overview with links to each post. And likely a recent thought on something.


All content is public and open, except for my products, which are available to all subscribers.

If you want to receive my monthly digest email and have access to member-only content, subscribe below ⬇️

Ciao and till next time 🤙


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