#13: Rhyme-as-reason effect, Subjective validation

People want to find truth in such statements because they wish it was true about themselves.

Rhyme-as-reason effect

Rhyming statements are perceived as more truthful.

Sounds wild... Apparently, there is research showing that when people were asked to evaluate 2 sayings with the same meaning, and the one with a rhyming part in it was perceived as more truthful. Can you imagine? Just having a rhyme can increase the truthiness. An example: "What sobriety conceals, alcohol reveals" was judged more accurate on average than: "What sobriety conceals, alcohol unmasks". People tend to find rhyming statements more aesthetically appealing and easier to process. Copyrighting experts use this trick to increase the chances of their message being accepted by customers and users.

Subjective validation

People tend to believe or accept an idea if it presents to them in a personal and positive way.

Also called a personal validation effect. This theory can be illustrated by horoscopes. Even the general and vague descriptions (by design) seem more accurate to us if they describe our personality, especially from a positive side. People want to find truth in such statements because they wish it was true about themselves. “For example, if someone enjoys eating bacon and they were to come across an article that talks about how healthy bacon is healthy, they will tend to believe it more because this "validates" eating more bacon.”

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. They don’t represent any of my current or previous employers’ views.




Photo Credit: RODNAE Productions from Pexels

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