Startup Ideas
🪅 Person Karma Score
How do you encourage people to do good deeds in their community?
Startup Ideas
🖇️ Reorder Office Supplies
As an office manager, it is hard to keep up with the supplies and accessories your team may need.
Startup Ideas
👷 Maintenance Vendors Marketplace
As a strata manager, it is time-consuming to find contractors for a maintenance or repair job for the property. And how do you make sure you get the high-quality results with the best price?
Startup Ideas
💱 Mobile App Price Conversion
As a tourist, it is always a hassle to convert prices in your head or using a calculator from the local currency to the one you are used to operating with.
Startup Ideas
🤑 Ads Conversion ROI Dashboard
As a business owner, it is difficult to see the ROI of all the ads across all channels, as well as other published content.
Startup Ideas
🌐 Global Job Board
As a person looking for a job, overall it is a horrible and broken experience, and somebody has to fix it. This particular idea is about making it easy to find job applications.
Startup Ideas
🧑💼 Volunteering for Employees
As an employer, you want to promote ethical behaviour and ‘help others’ mindset.
Startup Ideas
☣️ Personalized Disaster Supply Kits
Optimized survival kits to the geographical, family, or other special needs.
Startup Ideas
⚒️ Equipment Leasing Marketplace
When you are in need of leasing or renting a piece of equipment, you have to go a long mile to find one available from a reliable supplier, who is close to your location and offers the best conditions.
Startup Ideas
💰 Startup Grants
A website where a business/startup owner can find what grants they can get, from whom, what process is, and who can help them do it.
Startup Ideas
📈 Events-Analytics Platform
In any company, there are a lot of reasons influencing web analytics on incoming traffic to their website, both internal and external.
Startup Ideas
🌟 Ratings for Insurance Brokers
There is no easy way to find a reliable and trustworthy insurance broker.
Startup Ideas
🧑🏫 Substitute Teachers On-Demand
When a school teacher is out sick/on vacation/etc., the school has to quickly find a substitute teacher and ask them to come in, which is done by going through an existing list of approved professionals
Startup Ideas
🧴 Mens’ Skincare E-commerce Store
An e-commerce store with a very easy (icon-driven) way to filter through the products based on age and what part of the body they are interested in.
Startup Ideas
🎁 Goody Bags Subscription
A subscription service where parents register their children and set their age and dates of birth.
Startup Ideas
🚚 Help Me Moving
A one-stop marketplace with a full list of relevant services, vendors, trucks, movers, packing materials, storage, etc. with reviews/ratings, availability, chat, bookings, transactions, etc.
Startup Ideas
🗳️ Features Upvoting
A tool for internal private and/or external upvoting on product and features ideas and roadmaps (product hunt for ideas within business)
Startup Ideas
📑 Onboarding & Internal Training
Onboarding experience is lacking consistency and structure for many employees, creating unnecessary stress. Internal training systems are ridiculous to use and maintain.