#11: A failed experiment, a new angle, confirmation bias
good example, people who strongly believe in a conspiracy theory. Even though none of those theories have enough evidence to prove them, some people decode world events in such a way that makes it easier for them to keep believing in what they already do.
#10: New cadence and a video portfolio review experiment
I am starting to accept requests for portfolio reviews. BUT there is a catch. The review will be 5 minutes long, it will be recorded as a video/screencast, AND the resulting video will be published online
#9: UX Career: How to research potential employers?
I’ve been through many interviews and did A LOT of research on potential employers.
#8: UX Career: What I am changing in 2021, and What makes a good designer?
Do yourself a favour and sit down for 30 minutes to recollect and write down all the good things that 2020 brought you. Appreciate what you have.
#7: UX Career: Weekly Digest
Years ago, before I went into UX, I was designing websites, and the hand-off process was rather unreliable (as I am analyzing it now). I would create png mockups for each page and give them to the developer.
#6: UX Career: Weekly Digest
Every company is unique and there could be a number of reasons for seeking more senior designers to hire.
#5: Weekly Digest
The ability to learn quickly, knowing the design process, evidence that you can deliver results and produce high-quality work working on a team are more important elements than knowing particular tools.
#4: Weekly Digest
After getting to know different environments, my observation was that the larger the company the more specialized the roles tend to get.
#3: Weekly Digest
Think for yourself. Everyone has a unique picture of how things work and function, and yours is as valuable as anyone’s.
#2: Weekly Digest
I believe that resumes are not great to answer the questions that the hiring folks have in their head when they evaluate applicants. I think this is a pretty bad “deliverable” for this.
#1: Weekly Digest
Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.