Week 7 Review: New Benefit for Free Subscribers, Job Selection Criteria Explained, & Weekly Digest

Featured jobs and Design teams, new jobs notifications for free subscribers, behind-the-scenes of how I filter jobs
Week 7 Review: New Benefit for Free Subscribers, Job Selection Criteria Explained, & Weekly Digest

Aloha, friends!

New Benefit for Free Subscribers

I decided to make a change in what free subscribers get.

Before: No new job notifications (like paid subscribers get), but several featured jobs in the weekly digest email.

Now: Free subscribers will be getting the same new jobs email notifications as paid subscribers, but 3 days later.

As for the full active jobs list that’s hosted on UXRemotely.com, only paid subscribers have access to the full list (as of now, 310 jobs). Everybody else can see the 20 most recently added postings.

Jobs Selection Criteria Explained

I care about the quality of my job curation. A lot.

I do my best to find and filter only relevant jobs. Here is what’s in scope -

Jobs criteria:

  • UX or Product Design related (both Individual Contributors and Leadership).
  • Allows fully remote work.
  • Active job posting.

I exclude:

  • In-office and Hybrid roles (even if it’s a 1 day/week in the office).
  • Graphic, Marketing, Brand, Game, Motion, AR/VR, Instructional, etc. Design jobs.
  • Recruiting agencies’ job postings.
  • Internship roles.

Ciao Ciao!

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