Week 9 Review: Platform Roadmap and Updates, Weekly Digest

Talent List, Stats by location, plus Featured jobs and Design teams, and remote work tip.
Week 9 Review: Platform Roadmap and Updates, Weekly Digest

Aloha, friends!

This week I’ve been doing some thinking and laid out a few items I will be working on in the upcoming weeks.

  • Talent List: already started collecting profiles (link below 👇), working on adding the directory of profiles to the platform next.
  • Resources: some time ago, I had a collection of curated resources related to getting a job in UX, planning to add these to the platform.
  • Courses: some time ago, I created an email course to help people get hired with a smarter way, planning to publish it here, too.
  • Podcast: some time ago, I had a podcast on UX Career, planning to add it here, too.
  • Companies: I’ve been compiling the list of companies who allow remote work AND hire UX/Product Designers, planning to publish it here, too.
  • Community: this is a very big unknown for me at the moment. Too many ideas, not enough time. Thinking about how the UX Remotely community could look like and be valuable.

🙋‍♂️ Question for you

If you have any thoughts on what I should add to UX Remotely, let me know directly by replying to this email.

Updates to the UXRemotely platform

Talent List

Opened up registration to be added to the Talent List. The plan is to share this list with employers, so they can browse candidates directly and hire faster.

Job Board Stats

Added high level numbers of jobs by region, at least the top 8.


  • Added this week: 44 Jobs

  • Total: 401 Jobs

    • Leadership: 59

    • Senior: 243

    • Intermediate: 95

    • Junior: 4

Remote work tip

Take walks if you can, have a non video call? Walk around the area. Or try and find a calm place outside to take it. It does wonders. Or just straight up stop going on camera and get outside even in winter it’s nice.

Colter Smyth, Design Consultant @ ST83.

Till next time 🤙

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